Sunday, December 09, 2007

List of Canadian Securities Dealers

Here is a list of Canadian Securities Dealers

Some facts about Canadian Securities taken from this list.

Ontario has the bulk of securities dealers with 126 firms.  If you want to corner the market and be a deep thought in a shallow pond, go to Saskatchewan, Manitoba, or Nova Scotia.

There are around 27 cities in Canada with securities dealers.

The largest?  Toronto of course... nothing's got Bay St. beat.

A suprise?  Westmount Quebec has 3 dealers.  Quebec City has 2.  There's a dealer in Uxbridge, Ontario (First Leaside Securities Inc) and Red Deer Alberta (Retire First Ltd).

There are a few Americans on the list, some with Canadian company names, others with Canadian company addresses (but American head offices).

Liquidnet Canada is stationed in New York.

optionsXpress Canada, which I just printed out my application for, is in Chicago.  I never did finish my e*Trade application, even though I attempted it 3 times.

If you're looking for a security dealer and you're not happy with your bank, one of these should do.

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