This article is from February, 2008. It applies now more than ever after the FRE/FNM bailout.
Strange that the 2 entities weren't halted after the news of their impending bailout.
This article is from February, 2008. It applies now more than ever after the FRE/FNM bailout.
Strange that the 2 entities weren't halted after the news of their impending bailout.
The breakdown left traders in Europe's financial capital in limbo as equities around the world rallied on the U.S. government's takeover of mortgage lenders Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The LSE, Europe's oldest independent exchange, said attempts to fix its biggest computer failure in more than eight years was ``taking longer than expected.''
``The LSE will come out of this very, very badly,'' said Omer Bhatti, head sales trader at WorldSpreads Group Plc in London. ``People will begin to think seriously about having alternatives.''