Sunday, April 16, 2006

Bill Cara: The BC 100 Explained, Sun., Apr. 16, 2006, 11:45 AM

I'm going to try something new for a little while and summarize items by a stock tip.

Here's Stock Tip #1 from Bill Cara: Check out companies with head office in the Bahamas, since they skirt some of Canada's (& US) taxes. I don't agree with companies that do this, but it does make sense from a bottom-line perspective. Who has the advantage, someone who pays 0% or 37% to taxes?

Bill Cara: The BC 100 Explained, Sun., Apr. 16, 2006, 11:45 AM: "In the next week or two, I intend to write a little more about my biases. A couple pop out at you right out, including ATI from Canada, but then you know I'm Canadian eh? How about Teekay LNG Partners L.P.? I chose that one because I like the tax benefits of Bahamas, and I like TK management. Their other, larger, transport shipping venture (NYSE: TK) has more competition though, and LNG is just coming into vogue. "

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